Hey there!

I'm Ope

As a usability engineer with a passion for UX research I'm fueled by the curiosity to uncover challenges and transform them into opportunities of innovation through a human-centered lens. I craft meaningful product interfaces grounded in user research and driven by data. I’m excited about applying my skills to help product teams capture data on user behaviors and interactions during the prototyping phase. By leveraging event listeners, I hope to gain deep insight into the discoverability, learnability, and usability of experiences when conducting research with users.

A face of a black woman in her mid 20s  smiling.

My Journey

My journey into the UX field has been quite a fascinating one. Following my undergraduate studies in Computer Science, I gained valuable experience as a Cloud Support Engineer at Oracle America, Inc. During that time , I worked with client companies ranging from small businesses to large business. That professional chapter underscored the significance of problem-solving, cross-functional collaboration, clear communication and adaptability.

Two years ago, I took a pivotal step by enrolling in the HCI graduate program at DePaul University. On track to complete this program with distinction by March 2023, I am currently working as a Graduate Assistant in Game Design for the Center of Teaching and Learning Learning at DePaul. In this role, I collaborate closely with faculty and various departments to create and implement engaging gaming experiences to enhance learning outcomes.

Beyond my academic and professional commitments, I channel my creativity into designing and developing websites for local businesses in Chicago. My free time is filled with gaming, song-writing, boxing, drinking tea, and listening to music.


UX Research
Iterative User Centered Design
Usability testing
Prototyping and Wireframes
Data Visualization
Design Thinking
Collaborative Communication
Adobe Creative Suite
Heuristic Evaluations
Cognitive Walkthrough
Benchmark testing
Card Sorting
Tree testing
Journey Maps

Awards & Affiliations

  • Graduate Assitant
    (Sept 2021)
  • DePaul's Honor Society
    Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE)
    (Sept 2022)

Want to work together?

If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!